
Stirrings 2: Awakening Children to Discovery

Photo by Monstera Production “When individuals are unconditionally accepted and set free to live into their own abilities, skills, and passions, they are more likely to be motivated to contribute from their own natural resources.” - ― Sally Clarkson, Awaking Wonder: Opening Your Child's Heart to the Beauty of Learning Awakening the Wonder: Nurturing Talent, Beauty, and… Continue reading Stirrings 2: Awakening Children to Discovery

Interview with poet, Thomas McRae: Talking about his life and his new poetry book, ‘Lyrical Revelations’.

Hello Thomas! Tell me a bit about yourself...Where do you live? How old are you? What kind of work do you do?   Hello! My name is Thomas McRae. I'm a poet, author and writer. I recently bought a beautiful one bedroom Co-op apartment in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, NY. I'm 41 years old, single, no kids… Continue reading Interview with poet, Thomas McRae: Talking about his life and his new poetry book, ‘Lyrical Revelations’.

Joyful Moments 2: Fostering them in Children

Photo by Josh Willink The Importance of Joy in Childhood Development This is an interesting blog on the topic I will list the main points. Joy Reduces Anxiety: Joy brings relief from anxiety. Ongoing stressful events trigger feelings of anxiety, especially if those feelings go untreated. Joy Boosts Learning Ability: Ongoing stress weakens a child’s… Continue reading Joyful Moments 2: Fostering them in Children

Mother’s Day: In Ireland

Yesterday, Sunday 10th March 2024, was Mother's Day in Ireland and the U.K. This set me thinking about the importance of mothers in Irish society. The mother is a powerful figure in Irish culture. In various guises from Mother Ireland to the Virgin Mary, mothers symbolise the nation, the struggle for independence and the religious… Continue reading Mother’s Day: In Ireland

Starting Over 3: In Your Writing

Photo by Tima Miroshnichen “Writing a first draft is like groping one's way into a dark room, or overhearing a faint conversation, or telling a joke whose punchline you've forgotten. As someone said, one writes mainly to rewrite, for rewriting and revising are how one's mind comes to inhabit the material fully.”― Ted Solotaroff Rewriting is… Continue reading Starting Over 3: In Your Writing